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‘Will a bottle of Heinz ketchup exist in 2100 CE?’

Robin Antar            sculpture


Bachelor's of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY.


My passion for sculpting is expressed in my creation of the virtual records of contemporary culture. I capture everyday objects in carved stone, using a technique I invented more than 20 years ago.


At the start I mull over the food, article of clothing or particular brand I wish to replicate as historical evidence for future generations. I feel driven to duplication by carving stone of similar color – or purchasing one of neutral tones and staining it to that which I desire.


I ask myself, ‘Will a bottle of Heinz ketchup exist in 2100 CE?’


A jar of Hellman’s Real Mayonnaise is best represented in white travertine, for example, polished to the same glow of the jar I am copying.


And when I see friends scrutinize the carved hat on the table, endless hours of chiseling and sanding, staining and mounting are all worth it.


I’ve achieved my goal when the U.S. government writes to tell me I cannot copyright a work of art because it too closely resembles the product that I chose to record in stone. 


The day I received that letter was one of the happiest days of my life.                  


Full Resume...


© The Wolf Fine Art Gallery

Los Angeles, California

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